Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yes, We are Crazy!

So, our kids have been wanting to climb to the top of the big volcano between snow canyon and Diamond Valley. We decided to give it a try last night for our Family Home Evening fun. It was VERY INTERESTING!! haha! The kids and I made it about 2/3 of the way up, with Ryan carrying Andrew the whole way and me helping Sammy. By the time we got that far both kids were crying and wanting to go home. So the two kids and I found a secure spot behind some sage brush and sat and waited for Ryan to finish the hike to the top (we'd been going about 25 mins to this point and in 4 mins. he finished the rest of it!). He took some video and pictures and walked all around the top. He was probably gone about 25 mins or so and we were on the north side of the volcano in total shade and the kids were freezing and crying but there was no way I could help both of them and myself down. So we waited for Ryan to come back and get us. He took Sammy part way then came back for Andrew and carried him all the way down and I helped Sammy the rest of the way. I guess if we were smart parents we would have made the trek ourselves without the kids to see if they could make it. Then we could have BOTH gone all the way and not even have attempted to take the kids! Anyway, it was fun and overall the kids had fun. I was bummed that I didn't get to go all the way but we'll probably do it again without the kids sometime.