Monday, February 15, 2010

Dave in the Hosital

So this is just an informational post. And it is going to be an abbreviated version cuz I don't want to type it all. Dave and I headed to the VA thurs afternoon. On the way he was having really bad "heartburn" type pains that tuned out to be gallstones (thanks to Kurt diagnosing it for us before we went to the ER, we were able to tell them what to look for). Long story short they sent us on our way and he went to his VA appt. (that was supposed to be for his back) on Friday morning. He has been in the hospital ever since. He ended up with gallstone pancreaitis and we had to wait for that to go away before they can do surgery and take out his gallbladder. As far as we know now the surgery will be tomorrow evening sometime and he will be released sometime a day or two after that. Thanks to mom, Tony, and Ryan for taking care of the kids that were planning on us only be one until Sat. We really appreciate all the help!


Shelly said...

I hope everything turns out fine for him. Let me know if I can do anything to help you.

Heather said...

No fun at all. I hope all goes well and Dave doesn't have as much pain afterwards as I did. Glad you had people to help out at home. Let me know if you need anything while you're up here.