So I haven't said much since we got home because we have just been busy. We went to Ryan's parents to pick up the kids and spent most of Thursday there. Friday I had a Dr. appt. and then went to the gym, the kids wanted to go swimming so mom and I took them. Then Danny and family was here so the kids went to moms to play with them and Ry and I went to a movie. Saturday we both went to the gym, yes Ryan was back on the treadmill already. I wouldn't let him lift weights but he walked and ran a little for over 30 mins. He really is feeling MUCH better. Then we took the kids to a movie and then did the grocery shopping that hadn't been done for a couple of weeks.
So these are just SOME of the battle wounds. I just took these pictures today so you have to realize that some of these happened over a week ago and most were at least 5 or 6 days ago. The first picture is really faint bruising on his hands where they drew blood and tried to do IVs. This is where they did an IV on the back of his forearm. No it never did work, Yes it HURT like HE**!! I think this was a week ago. It actually looks a lot worse in person.
These are from multiple attempts at IV's as well as daily blood draws. The arm on the right where you can see the 3 red marks is where he had the mid-line (an IV that went clear up to his shoulder) The big hole on top is where it went in, the two smaller marks are where the had a little cover sewn over it. Most of the bruising came from bad phlebotomists that did not do their job well when they were drawing blood. POOR GUY!
12 years ago
Ouch, that sucks. Glad he's feeling better and now just has to deal with the battle wounds.
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